Continuing to spread the Word about Clean Solutions from Sugarcane


When we created last year, our intent was to continuously provide pertinent information for a growing audience of people who wanted to learn more about different aspects from sugarcane: products, sustainability, benefits, the Brazilian experience, global policies and much more. We wanted to let you know that we have just up-loaded additional information and materials on the website.

Here’s a brief snapshot of the new material we would like to share with you. We hope you find it helpful.

Additional content on sustainability and benefits from sugarcane include:

Interested in the Brazilian sugarcane experience? Here’s some new material we have picked out on this topic:

1 Impact on Brazil’s Economy – The sugarcane industry in Brazil represents an important part in the country’s economy. The sector adds US$50 billion to the country’s GDP and provides  good employment to some 1.28 million workers whose salaries rank among the highest in  Brazil’s agricultural sector.
2 Reduced Emissions – Since the start of Brazil’s ethanol program in 1975, more than 600 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions have been avoided thanks to the use of this clean and renewable fuel.
3 Commitment to sustainability – The Brazilian government’s comprehensive package of environmental policies is a global benchmark and can serve as a model.
4 Fair Pricing – In 1999, an innovative and voluntary sugarcane payment system was set up to help ensure fair and equitable relationships between sugarcane growers and millers.

Lastly, we have also included an overview of sugar policy United States and the European Union under the “Global Policy” section.

We want to keep you informed of the latest developments in the sugarcane industry in the best way possible, so please feel free to send us your suggestions about new content for this website.

Once again thank you for your support and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for latest news on clean and renewable solutions from sugarcane!

Marcos Jank
Marcos Jank