Sugarcane ethanol producers applaud the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcement on 2013 annual percentage standards for the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), which maintained the advanced biofuel volume at 2.75 billion gallons.
We also support EPA extending the time for obligated parties to demonstrate compliance with 2013 standards to June 30, 2014 – a common sense approach that will allow ethanol producers to take anticipated 2014 RIN obligations into consideration as they determine 2013 compliance actions.
Sugarcane ethanol producers also look forward to working with the EPA to find the right requirements for 2014 and the years ahead. We urge regulators to support reasonable proposed adjustments as the EPA considers 2014 requirements – especially the cellulosic and advanced biofuels volumes.
Brazilian exports provided nearly one-quarter of the entire U.S. advanced biofuel supply in 2012, are projected to supply nearly 700 million gallons in 2013, and could supply up to one billion additional gallons in 2014 – all with at least 61% fewer emissions than gasoline, according to the EPA.
Sugarcane biofuels are an important component of a diversified strategy to meet America’s RFS targets, and Brazilian producers stand ready to help America meet its goals for low-emission transportation by keeping clean renewable advanced biofuels flowing into U.S. vehicles.

Leticia Phillips is UNICA’s Representative for North America. Ms. Phillips is an expert on Brazil-US relations and leads the Brazilian sugarcane industry’s advocacy efforts before the main stakeholders in the region, including the US Congress, Federal agencies, State legislators and business and civil society.