Sugar production reached 2,376 thousand tons in the first half of May. Since the beginning of the 2020/2021 harvest up to May 16th, accumulated sugar production reached 4,529 thousand tons. This result is 17,5% lower than the 5,490 thousand tons reported over the same period last year.
The volume of ethanol produced reached 1,81 billion liters in the first half of May. The accumulated production of ethanol reached 3,83 billion liters, with 1,05 billion liters of anhydrous ethanol and 2,78 billion liters of hydrous ethanol. Of the total fuel produced, 338 million liters of biofuel were produced from corn.
Harvest update – Bi-weekly bulletin

Journalist and communicator by graduation, and with a master´s degree in international diplomacy from Rio Branco Institute (2005), Renato Domith Godinho moved in 2003 from technological and scientific journalism to career diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brazil. In that capacity, he has served in Brazil and abroad, especially focusing in multilateral governance, negotiation, and process management. As Alternate Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO), he has been from 2009-2012 a leading actor in the reform of the UN Committee of World Food Security (CFS), which resulted in higher impact outcomes and much stronger coordination with the private sector, academia, international organizations and civil society. Since 2015, he has been in charge of the Division for Energy Progress (DEN) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dealing with international policy dialogue and cooperation for all forms of renewable energy, including hydropower, wind, solar and bioenergy. Since the launch, in COP22, in Marrakesh, of the Biofuture Platform, a 20-country coalition to promote advanced low carbon solutions for transport and industry, Renato has led the operational team responsible for its coordination/secretariat roles. With the transfer of the Facilitator role of the Biofuture Platform to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2019, Renato D. Godinho was appointed by the member countries as the Biofuture Platform’s first Chairperson, for a term of two years.