The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA), through its members, will donate one million liters of alcohol for the production of alcohol gel and alcohol 70% for use in the containment of the coronavirus pandemic.
The objective of the effort is to contribute to the supply of public health units, free of charge. “We live in a moment that demands unity and we have created a real war room operation to overcome the challenges imposed by COVID-19 and contribute to assist several States in the country,” said Evandro Gussi, president of UNICA.
The 70% alcohol to be donated will be produced voluntarily after the granting of an extraordinary and temporary authorization by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), on the 19th of March, allowing momentous production. Alcohol 70% is used as a disinfectant and is essential for health services.
The operational details are being outlined with the competent bodies, given that transport and handling of the product requires specific care. In addition to UNICA associate members, the operation is mobilizing members of the Brazilian Association for the Transport and Logistics of Hazardous Products (ABTLP), which is shifting cargo using appropriate vehicles, and the National Union of Fuel and Lubricant Distribution Companies (Sindicom), that is donating the diesel that will be used for heavy-load transport. The entire operation will comply with hygiene and safety measures set out by the Ministry of Health and Anvisa guidelines.
The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA – is the largest representative entity of the Brazilian sugar-energy sector, bringing together producers of sugar, ethanol (fuel alcohol) and bioelectricity. UNICA’s associate members are responsible for more than 50% of Brazil’s sugarcane production, 60% of the ethanol production and almost 70% of the bioelectricity offered to the National Interconnected System (SIN).
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